dell inspiron mini12のUbuntu 10.04 LTSから12.04 LTSにアップグレードした(続き)

ブートオプションで起動させるやり方が示されていて、なんでできないのか、PC固有の問題なのか、さっぱりわからなかったが、/etc/default/grubをなにをどう書き換えてもまったく動きがかわらないので、もしやと思えばなんのことはない、ブートローダがgrub2ではなくgrub Legacyだった・・・
いずれにしても、GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash console=tty1"で解決。

Ubuntu 12.04
Live (Desktop) CD
The problem with 12.04 is that the default kernel included on the desktop CD (all variants) is 3.3.2. This kernel works, but requires some custom boot parameters. Without these parameters you will either get a black screen or distortion.

  1. Switch to a console - Ctrl-Alt-F1
  2. Restart X with 'sudo service lightdm restart'

That should bring you back to a functional graphical desktop, so that you can proceed testing or installing.

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Post installation
With the default 3.3.2 kernel, you need to add some options to the grub boot options or you will get a black screen.

Starting with kernel 3.3.4 , the gma500_gfx driver works without adding any boot options.

There are several potential solutions for this console=tty1, disable splash, or 915 Resolution

Option 1 - console=tty1

Perhaps the easiest method is to use "console=tty1" as a boot option.

gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Find the following line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"

Add console=tty1 in between the quotes, the end result looking as follows

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash console=tty1"

save and exit, then update grub with

sudo update-grub

Option 2 - Disable splash

Some people find they need to disable the splash.

Essentially the same as above, just remove splash from the GRUB_CMDLINE_DEFAULT options.

Option 3 - 915 Resolution

First, no what your desired resolution is. On many devices this is 1366x768, so we'll use that in the examples below. Be sure to change it to your desired resolution

Using any editor, create a file /etc/grub.d/01_915resolution , add in lines

echo insmod 915resolution
echo 915resolution 58 1366 768 32

Make the file executable

sudo chmod a+x /etc/grub.d/01_915resolution

Next, edit /etc/default/grub, assign value 1366x768x32 to variables GRUB_GFXMODE and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX:


Then update grub.

sudo update-grub

NOTE: some gma500 users may have to switch to a different tty and then back to tty7 even after performing the above modification to have a correct desktop. To do this press Ctrl-Alt-F6 then press Ctrl-Alt-F7.